Creatrix Archetype Bundle
Creatrix Archetype Bundle
In this 7 day guide, you’ll learn how to fully unlock and embody your archetype with daily tasks, guided activities and action steps.
In just 7 days you’ll get closer to:
making decisions with unparalleled confidence
clearing old patterns that are no longer serving you
and growing your business through a powerful new lens
If you’ve been struggling to trust your intuition, to find confidence in your decisions or to gain more visibility within your business in a way that feels aligned with who YOU are (not what all the guru’s are telling you to do), this 7 day guide will help you unlock it all.
This bundle includes 4 resources not available anywhere else! Get it NOW and you'll get instant access to this powerful 7 day guide to fully embodying your Creatrix Archetype.
Downloadable PDF
2 Meditations
Bonus Gift
Note: Once you purchase, you’ll receive a document with your private access link.